Holy Cross Lutheran - Missouri Synod
Pastor: Adam Filipek
Sunday morning worship 8:30AM
Sunday school classes 9:40AM
Adult Bible Study 9:40am
Wednesday midweek worship 7:00PM
The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sunday and Wednesday of each month.
Office phone: 701-538-4688
Parsonage: 701-538-4117
E-Mail: holycross@rrt.net
101 2nd Ave SE
Wednesday midweek worship 7:00PM
The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sunday and Wednesday of each month.
Office phone: 701-538-4688
Parsonage: 701-538-4117
E-Mail: holycross@rrt.net
101 2nd Ave SE
Lidgerwood, ND 58053
Lidgerwood, ND 58053