Water Meter Replacement Project
As a resident of Lidgerwood it is required to replace your water meter. It is free of charge! The City has contracted with VEPO Metering to complete the installation. To install the new water meter VEPO Metering will need to access the meter inside your home. The water meter area should clear and accessible and an adult 18 years or older must be present at the time of installation.
A four hour block of time will be scheduled and the installer will complete the meter installation within the four hour time frame. The installation should take approximately 30 minutes.
VEPO Metering was selected based on their experience as a meter installation contractor. All installers will have identification, wear uniforms, travel in marked vehicles and have completed background checks.
To schedule your appointment please contact VEPO Metering at 1-877-860-8376 or schedule online via the website link.